If you're anything like me, I'm sure you've heard the following a time or two:
It could always be worse.
It could always be worse.
You complain to a friend about relationship problems. It doesn't matter how much you accomplish in a day, the to-do list just seems to keep growing. Just as spring has finally begun to sprung you realize after a long winter (that simultaneous caused you to pack on a few extra pounds) that you can no longer fit into your favorite pair of shorts. the old clunker car you've poured way too much money into fixing finally breaks down beyond repair. you go to the dentist and find out you have two cavities that need filled, and you don't have health insurance.
but, it could be worse--right?
I'm not saying problems are 'rankable'--although certainly crying over a stubbed toe seems incomparable to crying over the loss of a loved one. We all have our problems. Everyday we face what can seem like an insurmountable amount of crap that can push us closer and closer to the edge of wanting to just give up.
here's a true statement: i have never been so close to jumping off the edge than i have this semester. i could go into details, but i'll refrain because the truth is i'm not looking for pity or sympathy or anything of the sorts. bottom line is, the problems i thought were so big and important and worth complaining about, weren't. and every time i led myself to believe they were, God brought me to my knees and humbly showed me, it really could be worse. here's how...
--*David is a strong young man that I met through a friend. His mom has cancer and is starting radiation therapy. He works part time, goes to school full time, and he has become the man of the house. He comes from a broken home, and a past rooted in drugs and depression. He is doing the best he can to support his family but life has never seemed to let up on him, and every day obligations are taking their toll. He isn't used to feeling so defeated. He wants to give up, but knows giving up is not an option.
--*Alyssa is a brilliant and beautiful girl (and dear friend) who is working on finishing her degree in the healthcare field. She has suffered multiple health problems, (including an infection in her heart), which has caused a great deal of stress in her already stressful life. Finally returned to a good state of health, and entering into her last college class, her husband lost his job.
--*Emily is a quiet, but sweet individual, who I've gone to school with for awhile but haven't gotten to know very well. After complaining to her about a horrible test grade, with tear-filled eyes she told me her white blood counts have been low for the past three weeks and she's afraid she might have cancer.
(*for confidentiality purposes all names have been changed)
I kid you not--every single time I have begun to feel like giving up on Nursing and college and maintaining relationships and being torn with who to give my time to and just feeling down right defeated, God has used people like the few I've mentioned above to remind me how truly BLESSED I am to live the life I do.
I don't have all the answers for why things happen the way they do. But what I do know is that we have a God who loves us to the moon and back (and then some). Our God is good. Our God is just. Our God is love. He loves us so much and He cares deeply about the troubles that we go through. We don't have to go it alone. So friends, I urge you--
"stick with what you've begun--believe, and don't quit, it won't be easy. Anyone signing up for the kingdom of God has to go through plenty of hard times" (Acts 14:22)
BUT, remember this...
"The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us"
(Romans 8:18)
so if you're going through hell--keep on going.
and know, you are never alone.