Thursday, June 9, 2011

God smiles when I dance in my underwear.

What moves you? 

What makes your heart skip a beat?

What makes your eyes swell with tears?

What makes you want to jump up and down like a little kid who has to pee really really bad? 

There are lots of things that move me. Babies. Sunsets. A quiet moment with the person I love. Witnessing someone go out of there way for another. Hearing unbelievable stories of survival, triumph, and victory when it shouldn't have been possible.

But there's one thing that moves me more than anything else in this world.


There are days I wake up, crawl out of bed in my underwear, and spontaneously want to worship God. So I set Pandora to my Kim Walker christian radio station and I dance. In my underwear. It's not the crazy fling-your-hair-air-guitar kind of dancing. It is not planned or particularly purposeful. It just, happens. I become moved. By the music, by the words, by the truth of God's faithfulness, love, mercy, and grace. 

I close my eyes and I go to another place. It's warm and quiet and beautiful and peaceful. I feel whole. I feel blessed. I am humbled and I am in awe. Sometimes I sing along, other times I simply smile, laugh, or cry. I can feel God smiling down at me. I think to myself, "what an amazing God I serve". it's not something you can entirely explain to someone who hasn't experienced the love of God. you just have to feel it, be moved by it. 

Majesty, Majesty, Your grace has found me just as I am,
empty handed but alive in Your hands. Majesty, Majesty,
forever I am [moved] by your love, in the presence of your Majesty.

God moves me, and I can't help but to respond. Whether that's dancing around in my underwear, following my calling to serve others by becoming a Nurse, calling up an old friend that's been on my mind, or reminding those I love of how much they mean to me, I am moved.

What moves you? Because whatever moves you, moves God. And when God sees you responding to something that moves you, He smiles. So be moved.

Go ahead, dance around in your underwear.
Make God smile. 

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