Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy New Day.

Here's my problem with New Years Resolutions.

Why do people have to wait an entire year to decide to make changes? Why do people seem to make up excuses as to why they can't do one thing or another until a new year comes around? New Years Resolutions are hopes, dreams, and goals put off by excuses throughout the year. They should be called New Years Resocuses. (A combination of resolution and excuses in case you didn't catch that).

With that being said, what a year. I mean, really. Wow. I have learned so much, and grown in ways I never thought possible.

I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to reflect on this or talk about it or think about it. I felt like if I did, I'd be acknowledging that somehow I was admitting defeat. But I have come to know you cannot truly know victory until you have experienced (or felt like you had experienced) defeat. So, in the least amount of words possible, here goes...

A year ago around this time, life as I knew it changed forever. I honestly couldn't see past what I was going through, nor did I want to. I was thrown into a pit. Literally, pushed in, kicked down and roughed up. Darkness surrounded me. My friends rallied by my side, promising to help pull me out into the light again. And boy did they pull, and tug, and allow themselves to be pulled and tugged back, and they faithfully got down on their knees, covered in dirt, and held on to my hands for dear life-- all for the sake of getting me out of that pit. Today, I can happily and proudly proclaim I stand in the light. The Lord delivered me (along with the help of my friends) from my pit. Hallelujah! "You may trod me in the very dirt but still like dust I'll rise...from a past rooted in pain, I rise...I rise, I rise, I RISE".

So, that's all I have to say about that. Despite the pain, I'd like to think I'd do it all again. For what I have gained has been so much greater than what I've lost. Thank you friends, family, and even complete strangers who sent me cards, flowers, and prayers as you shared in my loss. I am so blessed.

This year I have hurt. But I've grown. I've lost, but I've also gained. I have learned to love without holding back even after having my heart broken and trust trampled on. Because life is too short to hold anything back.

There are risks with everything we do.
We will get hurt.
We will be disappointed.
We will fail.
But that shouldn't keep us from
or forgiving,
or giving everything our absolute best shot.

We only get this one chance. Don't let a moment pass you by. Don't let a year pass you by. Make changes now. Every day. Little by little. You have it in you.

CS thank you for helping me to lose everything I thought meant something so that I could see some things really do mean everything. What I have gained has been so much greater than what I've lost.

Happy New Years  Day. Don't let another pass you by.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. So proud of you, and even prouder to call you my friend! LOVE YOU!
